Student Loans, the Best of 4 Ways to Pay for College

Paying for a college education is not easy. With rising fees, cost of living and the general expenses that come with college life, it can be difficult to make ends meet. With no chunk of cash to call upon, the most popular way of getting around the problem is to get a student loan and defer the pressures until graduation.

There is no doubting that any loan is a risk, since eventually it must be paid back with interest. However, the advantages of seeking one of the loans for students packaged by mainstream lenders make it one of the better choices.

In total, there are four main avenues of student financing that can resolve the funding issue. And while the loans for college students are arguably the best of the lot, it is always good to know the range of options available at any time.

Getting a Loan

The chief advantage with getting a student loan is that payments can be deferred until after graduation, thereby removing much of the financial burden that student financing can otherwise have. So, instead of trying desperately to find several hundred dollars every month to keep up with repayments, a student can actually eat properly, concentrate on their studies and get on with working for their own future.

Of course, the disadvantage with loans for students is that once graduation comes around, there is an immediate need to get a job and start repaying the loan. It may take some time to secure employments, but there are other loans for college students that can consolidate their debt.

College Installment Plan

As an alternative to student loans, a college installment plan is hard to fault. College fees are broken down so, rather than paying the fees in one lump sum, it can be paid for gradually over each semester.

But this kind of student financing is perfect for those who have an income of some sort to meet with the payments. Also, it is designed for fees only, and does not address the living expenses that can accrue over the course of the year, something which general loans for college students are designed to cover.

Financial Aid

A second alternative to turning to student loans is to seek financial aid from the colleges themselves. But this is an option that is reserved for those students who have already gotten themselves into a tight financial situation and are struggling. It is not really a student financing option for those who simply want to organized their finances well.

Financial aid is not so much a loan for college students, but a rescue package for those in need, allowing them to restructure an installment plan, or seek small short term loans to ensure student welfare. Loans for students from banks and credit unions are for anyone who can repay the loan, though the financial aid office will provide advice in applying for them too.


The final method to pay for college is the most desirable type of student financing, since there is nothing to repay. Of course, there is also a certain prestige to winning a college scholarship, whether it is a sports or an academic scholarship, and part or full.

Compared to student loans, having an option that requires no repayment is great but, sadly, it is one that is reserved to the gifted few, not everyone.

That fact alone makes it a dream option, not a practical one, so seeking lenders that provide loans to students remains the most practical solution to the problem of funding a college education. And the fact that it can cover everything, including fees and living expenses, makes it the most comprehensive option too.

Joycelyn Crawford is the author of this article. For more information about Easy Loans for Bad Credit and Easy Home Equity Loan please visit

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