People who are interested in pursuing a higher education know that there is nothing easy about that proposition. College is a lot of work and a lot of money. Many students with bad credit or no credit at all may worry about their ability to finance their education through loans. Is there a good way to get a student loan with no credit check? Is higher education off limits to those with bad credit?
Why a Credit Check Matters
Generally, lenders perform a credit check on a potential borrower to determine whether or not the actions of that borrower's past predict success or failure in repayment of the loan. Borrowers with good credit are considered a minimal risk. Borrowers with bad credit are the opposite. Therefore, having bad credit can severely hurt you when a lender performs a credit check.
However, student loans are an entirely different animal. In contrast to traditional loans, student loans are not granted based on your current ability to repay, but rather on your future ability to pay. The idea is that you are going to school in order to finance an education that will land you a job which will enable you to repay your loan. In that respect, your past is of no concern and therefore no credit check is required for many student loans.
Government Help First
The best news for any student looking for a loan with bad credit is that the federal government is the number one student lender and there is no credit check required for federally subsidized student loans. Though these loans are given by private banks, they are insured by the federal government, which allows for no credit check and a low, fixed interest rate.
Government loans are given out once you complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form upon your admission to college. The government will then tell you how much money you may borrow each year according to your level of education (undergraduate and graduate). Those in especially tight financial spots will qualify for additional money through programs such as Perkins Loans, but all college-going students qualify for Stafford Loans.
Private Lending Options
If the money that you receive from the federal government is not enough to finance your full college education, then you will still have other avenues to explore with private and online lenders. These lenders cannot offer no credit check student loans, but they are much more willing to work with bad credit and no credit borrowers for college financing purposes. Ask the lenders that you look at about the programs that they offer for students and see if you can negotiate a repayment plan that is conducive to your student lifestyle, such as only paying interest on your loan until graduation.
You Can Go to College
Do not let financial worries impact your decision to pursue a higher education. Even with bad credit or no credit, student loans are available, and many student loans require no credit check.
Student loans are essential in this day and age, but they are also attainable. Follow the advice in this article to figure out which loans are best for you and your situation.
Mark Venite is the author of this article and a successful financial advisor with 20 years of experience. He helps people to get approved for Bad Credit Personal Loan and Student Loans with Bad Credit. For more information about his services please visit him at
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