Bad credit will be a challenge as you seek funding for advancing your education, but a plethora of options are available to get a bad credit student loan. Bad credit should not keep you from reaching your goal. Your first point of contact should be the financial aid office at your school. The people there can guide you to find whatever financial assistance may be within your grasp.
Free Money with Scholarships and Grants
You may be eligible for a scholarship or a grant without knowing it. Scour the financial aid office for these resources. It may only be $500 here and $100 there, but it is free money. You do not have to pay it back. It is one way America invests in the future of its young citizens. You just need to put in the research to get it. Diligent research and filling out tiresome forms are what it takes to earn this free money.
FAFSA Is an Important Step
An important step is filling out the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is a sort of catch-all application form that federal counselors will cross reference against a database of federal student aid programs. Using it should not prevent your own research. Submit applications to everything and anything that could possibly benefit you financially. Do not get discouraged. You may also want to check out any work-study programs your school may offer.
Federal Loans Are No Credit Student Loans
In financial circles, no credit is almost on the same level as bad credit. But, many federal loans are granted without considering credit ratings. This is based on the assumption that most students go directly to a college or a university immediately after being graduated from high school, without any time to really build a credit history. So credit checks are rarely run. You will be checked to see if you have defaulted on any previous federal loans.
Online Bad Credit Student Loans
Point your browser to bad credit student loans and you will be rewarded with scores of lenders willing to lend to students with bad credit history. Since so many students have taken hits on their credit scores, and since banks and credit unions are not in a lending mood, private lending companies have stepped in to fill the breach. They will be more amenable to funding students who are studying in certain areas or pursuing certain degrees - medicine, law, and engineering.
Online Warnings
As with any online transactions, be sure that any websites where you divulge financial and personal information are secure. Check the reputation of the lender. You should be able find them graded in online Better Business Bureau listings. You may even find feedback from previous customers. Understand that percentage rates will be somewhat higher than current market rates. If you work on mending your credit history while you are in school, you may be able to consolidate these high-interest student loans at a lower interest rate after you are graduated.
Cosigners for Bad Credit Student Loans
Do you have someone interested in your future? You might want to consider asking that someone to cosign a bad credit student loan for you. He or she should be gainfully employed and possess a decent credit history. They should also understand that should you default on the loan it becomes their burden. After a year or so of faithful payment, the lender may agree to take them off as cosigner.
Give Yourself a Financial Hand
As you can see, with grants, scholarships, word-study programs, federally funded loans, cosigners, and online lenders, you should be able to finance your education so you can study in peace, without having to worry how the next tuition bill will be paid.
Hilary Bowman is the author of this article. She works successfully as a financial advisor with years of expertise on Unsecured Loans. Hilary publishes informative articles about loans for bad credit and other financial topics at
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